Wednesday 23 June 2010

W is for …

…Woodbridge, a small town not far from home which has a more villagey feel to it. This is short and sweet as I’m setting a series of posts to auto post while I’m away (I think I’ll be somewhere in South Dakota as you’re reading this).

A couple of weeks before we left for our holiday the friend that I call Julie joined us for a trip to Woodbridge and a stroll around the town and a mooch amongst the shops. We chose a weekend where quite a lot was happening and I snapped these people performing a Morris Dance, take a look at the link for a real explanation – I know there are several dances and that they all have meanings but I’m afraid I can’t explain it to you.


John took a photo of Julie and I because, as she rightly pointed out, we hadn’t had a photo together since the children were small which is a considerable time ago!


Check out the other W posts at Jenny’s blog!

:::::Thanks for reading, I’m sorry I can’t return the visit this week:::::


  1. Those dancers look like they're having a great time!

  2. Anonymous24/6/10

    I hope you had a wonderful vacation. This trip to the village looks like so much fun.

  3. I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  4. That looks like a lot of fun

  5. looks like a hoot :D

  6. I hope you are having a wonderful time! With a capitol W!

  7. I will give Woodbridge your love when I go tomorrow - and now I know what Julie looks like, you must introduce us sometime

  8. Have fun on your trip. Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back. I love those dancers. They look like they were fun to watch.

  9. Looks like a fun day! I love South Dakota - the Black Hills are amazing. I hope your vacation is refreshing.

  10. Have a great trip and see you when you get back :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!


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